Saturday, April 30, 2011

Plastic Allergies in Dogs

It is the owner’s responsibility to protect their dog. The owner is the dog’s first line of defense. This is why it is crucial for dog owners to educate themselves about the many things which contain irritants and allergens and make sure that their dogs get the best care possible. Dogs can easily develop contact allergies or reaction to things.

Dogs are exposed to allergens on a daily basis, this is only normal. Allergens are harmful to dogs and to people too. Sometimes, your dog’s immune system will react to the presence of allergen in a way as if it is a threat to your dog’s life. This is when allergic reaction starts. There is a long list of allergens today and some of them are pollen, food, plants, and plastic. Sometimes even owners cause dog allergies.

Causes of Plastic Allergies

Most dogs get plastic allergies when they come into contact with the substance when they eat or drink. They can also get plastic allergies when they play with plastic toys. Most of the time, it is the materials used for your dog which cause plastic allergies like plastic food dishes and water dishes. Even if your dog has already used plastic dishes before and it has not developed any allergies, it can still develop allergies later on. As a matter of fact, plastic allergies can happen to your dog any time in its life.

Symptoms of Plastic Allergies

If your dog is allergic to plastic, you will see symptoms. Your dog can develop contact dermatitis which is mostly seen on the chin, mouth and nose. Contact dermatitis is characterized by inflamed skin and it sometimes comes with bumps. Sometimes your dog’s skin may also become swollen and your dog cannot resist but scratch and scratch. In worse cases, dogs begin to lose their fur. 

Treatment for Plastic Allergies

It is common for other dogs in the household to also develop plastic allergies if one of your dogs already has them. The best way of treating plastic allergies is to remove plastics from your house or reduce exposure to it. Instead of using plastic dishes, you can opt for ceramic dishes or glass. Get rid of toys which are made of plastic. You will see improvements after you get rid of plastics in your household.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Get Rid of Fleas Permanently

Fleas are not only itchy on the part of your dog; they can also be potentially dangerous to humans. Fleas, aside from infecting dogs, can also transmit diseases like tapeworm. It is a must for owners to get rid of fleas not only for their pets but also for the sake of the family. Fleas thrive in places which are warm and humid. Fleas are not year-round problems in some areas. Regardless if you get fleas all through the year or just sometimes, you must be vigilant about them and get rid of them as promptly as you can.

Prevention is better than cure

This has been mentioned more than a thousand times. You must get rid of fleas before they even enter your home. Fleas are most active during summer and fall when it is dry and humid so check your pet during these times and look for signs of fleas.

Prevent fleas from thriving in your home by vacuuming your home frequently and thoroughly

Do not forget to include crevices, cracks, basements and corners. Adult fleas can easily escape from vacuum bags so make it appoint to dispose of them properly. Do not let your dogs socialize with other dogs which you think might have fleas. Your pet can easily get fleas from other dogs. Dog parks can be places which are very rich in fleas so be careful when bringing your pet to these areas and if you are really concerned, it is better not to bring your dog to dog parks.

Fine-toothed comb can be used to remove the fleas on your pet

You can get these combs from pet shops at affordable prices. Make sure that you clean your pet’s bedding regularly. Wash the bedding with hot and soapy water every week. Fleas and larvae are most often found on the beddings of pets. Give your dogs a bath every week. Use shampoos which are especially made for fleas.

Talk to your veterinarian

If you see that your dogs are exhibiting scratching, biting and raw patches on your pet’s body, consult the veterinarian right away. Talk to your veterinarian about the steps you can take to get rid of fleas permanently. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Flea Allergies and Dermatitis

Fleas might be very small but they often cause big problems in dogs. Their saliva alone contains 15 different substances which can cause allergic reactions. The antigens found in flea saliva can cause dogs to become allergic to flea bites. As a matter of fact, more than 40% of dogs today have allergic reactions to flea bites. Dogs can develop flea allergy dermatitis or hypersensitivity. It is important to consult the veterinarian for problems like this, but there are also steps which you can take to treat this problem. 

Life Cycle of Fleas

Fleas are small parasitic insects which can jump 150 times more than their body length. They live on warm-bloodied animals and they drink the blood off their host which is most often dogs and cats. Fleas like to live in warm places which also have high humidity. According to the Dog Owners’ Guide, they have a life expectancy of 50 days. A female flea can lay as many as 2,000 eggs in that short of a time. When the female flea lays eggs, it falls wherever the animal lies or sits. The eggs hatch and become larvae and the larvae spins a cocoon or pupa. It then becomes a six-legged insect and it begins the life cycle again. 

Symptoms of Flea Allergies

If your dog becomes allergic to flea bites, it will cause the dog’s skin to become itchy and irritated. The dog will continue to scratch areas where it has allergies. Some symptoms of flea allergies are red bumps, a thick layer of skin which is usually located on the tail or the back. Dogs with fleas also have black specks of dirt on their bodies and when it is wet, it becomes red. These are flea feces.

Solution to Flea Allergies and Flea Bites 

There are various shampoos today which are especially made to treat flea problems. Flea shampoos can kill adult fleas and some even provide future protection from fleas. There are also topical medications like drops which are safe to use on dogs. It is important that the dog’s environment be also cleaned to prevent fleas. Clean the dog’s bedding and spray insecticides regularly to remove fleas, as well as their eggs. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Commercial Products for Dogs' Dry, Itchy and Flaky Skin

Tried a lot of home remedies for your dog's skin problems but you do not see any result at all? Do not worry too much. There are lots of products available commercially which you can use to relieve your dog from constant scratching. However, you should remember to consult your veterinarian before using any product on your dog so you can make sure that it will not have any side effects. Here are some of the most popular commercial products for dogs with dry, itchy and flaky skin.


Home Remedies for your Dog’s Itchy Skin

Itchy, flaky and dry skin is a common problem with dogs. They can be caused by a variety of things including fleas, food allergies and infection. Pet owners often do not have any idea about what to do with dry, flaky and itchy skin. Owners certainly do not want to pay expensive veterinarian fees and buy expensive pet products. Well, the good news is, they do not have to. There are lots of home remedies which can help you soothe your dog’s skin problems. 

Ear Mites

These are one of the most common things which cause your dog to scratch incessantly. You will often see your dog scratching the area around their ears. Get a cotton ball and soak it in mineral oil. Rub the cotton ball gently around your dog’s ear and swab your dog’s ear canal gently. However, you must remember that this is only a temporary solution. You will still need to consult your veterinarian for a permanent fix.  

Flaky and Itchy Skin

When it comes to itchy and flaky skin, there are lots of home remedies which you can use. You do not have to spend a lot of money because most of these things can be found right in your kitchen and those which are not can be purchased at low prices. One of the many things which you can use is Calendula extract. This is a topical liquid which can be applied on infected spots. Remember to use a few drops only on each spot.

Vitamin E is also very helpful. You can get this in capsule gels. Just break open the capsule and apply Vitamin E directly on the skin. You can also mix the pill or capsule with your dog’s food for it to be taken orally.

Fish oil will also hydrate your dog’s skin. It will encourage your dog’s skin to produce essential oils which is a must for great skin. Fish oil can be bought in capsule form or in liquid form. Just apply fish oil on the infected area.

Have oatmeal in your kitchen? Use it to relieve your dog. All you need to do is mix oatmeal with water and rub it on your dog’s skin. Leave it for 10 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. 

Tea tree oil is not only good for humans; it is also good for dogs. All you need to do is spray it on your dog’s skin to prevent itching. Tea tree oil should be applied daily to get the best results.

What are the Causes of Dry, Itchy and Flaky Skin in Dogs

It is very nice to look at the shiny coats of dogs. Sadly, not all dogs have nice coats and nice skin. Some dogs have skin problems which are often caused by parasites and allergies. Itchy, dry and flaky skin is very common in dogs. If this condition is not treated right away, your dog could end up losing hair and getting infected. Diagnosing problems like this can be a bit of a challenge but there are some easy measures which dog owners can do themselves to improve their dog’s condition. 

Causes of Dry, Flaky Skin in Dogs

Listed here are the common causes of dry, flaky skin. Some are easy to treat while others may require the attention of a veterinarian.

·         Fungal Infections. Yeats infection is an example of fungal infection. Ringworm is yet another culprit which can seriously affect the skin of your beloved dogs. Ringworms are small organisms which cannot be seen by the naked eye. This can easily spread on the dog’s entire body and if owners are not careful, this can also spread to them.  If your dog has fungal infections you will see redness, flaking, scaling and oozing. 

·         Allergies. The most common allergies which cause dry, flaky skin are food allergies and contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is a skin irritation which can easily happen overnight. Harsh chemicals found in dog shampoos, household chemicals and laundry detergents can cause contact dermatitis on your dog’s skin. Food allergies are also very common. This happens when your dog has intolerance from a certain food. A food elimination diet might be necessary in order for you to tell what is causing the allergic reactions on your dog. 

·         Parasites. Fleas are the most common parasites which can cause skin problems. Parasites live in the hair follicle and they are not visible to the naked eye. If this is the cause of dry, itchy and flaky skin, it is best to go to the veterinarian. He or she might need to perform a skin scraping procedure.  Other common parasites on dogs are scabies, ear mites and cheyletiella mites.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Most Common Causes of Food Allergies in Dogs

It is not uncommon for dogs to develop allergies to many things. They can be allergic to people, things in the house and even to food. Food allergies are distinguished because of the many symptoms which present themselves on the dog’s body. Some of the symptoms which can be seen on dogs with allergies are scratching, itching, hair loss and even ear infection. When you see that your dog is developing symptoms of food allergies, it is crucial to visit your veterinarian’s office right away. Do not wait for your dog’s condition to aggravate before you do anything.  

Your veterinarian will help you determine what food is causing the allergies in your dog. You might also be asked to go through the elimination diet. Knowing what is causing the food allergy can help you prevent the allergies from ever occurring again. Some of the most common causes of allergies are the following foods:

·         Eggs. The consumption of eggs can be cause allergic reactions in dogs.

·         Chicken. You should avoid giving your dog chicken unless your veterinarian says it is alright to do so.

·         Beef. This is also another common food which causes allergic reactions in dogs.

·         Soy. Soy products can give your dog bad allergies.

·         Wheat. You should avoid giving your dog bread and other wheat products.

·         Dairy products. Milk is one of the most common dairy products people give their dogs. Do not give your dog dairy products unless the physician has approved it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dry Skin Remedies for Dogs

Dogs are not immune to skin conditions. As a matter of fact, they often feel victim to various ailments of the skin. Just like their owners, dogs have dry skin most especially in the winter season. Dogs stay indoors during the winter season and people use electric heating systems of the fireplace to keep themselves warm. These are also the very same things which make a dog’s skin dry. Thankfully, there are steps which owners can make to alleviate the condition dot eh their dog’s skin. Owners can use dog dry skin home remedy. 

 Grooming is very important not only because it is a good time for the dog and the owner to bond but this also helps make dry skin so much better. When you brush your dog, it stimulates the production of natural oils. This will get rid of the dander and get rid of the flakes caused by dry skin.

Regular bathing keeps your dog clean and it will make your dog’s skin look a lot better. However, this depends on the frequency of baths and how owners give their dogs a bath. The rule of thumb is dogs should not be given a bath more than once every two weeks. If you have been giving your dog too many baths, reduce them. If you have been giving so little, make baths more frequent. Adjust accordingly. When giving your dog a bath, you should only use products which are especially made for dogs and not for humans. Vitamins which have Vitamins A and E are very beneficial. If commercial dog shampoos are too expensive for your budget, you can always make your very own. We have recipes for homemade dog shampoos which are very easy to make.

What your dog eats will manifest itself on its body. If your dog ash a poor diet chances are your dog will not look very good. Give your dog the proper nutrition it needs and. Dogs need vitamin and minerals to make their coat shiny and their skin in a good condition. Aside from dog food, there might also be dietary supplements which your dog needs. Supplements can also give your dog’s skin a better appearance. Some of the things found in your house which will help make your dog’s skin better is flaxseed oil and olive oil. They will thicken the fur and prevent the skin from flaking.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to Determine if Your Dog Has Food Allergies

Dogs, just like humans, can also get allergies. They can also be highly sensitive to a lot of things. When dogs get allergies, most owners blame it on the food, but that is not always the case. As a matter of fact, food causes the least allergies in dogs. Your dog may have been eating the same food for a long time before it started developing allergies. Fortunately, there is a way for you to determine if your beloved canine is indeed suffering from a food allergy, skin allergy or something else. 

Food allergies in dogs have a lot of causes and when dogs have food allergies they also exhibit a lot of symptoms. Dogs will have itchy and inflamed skin. This is one of the most common symptoms which lots of dogs suffer from. Other symptoms are hair loss, ear infections, skin lesions, loss of appetite and many more. However, the symptoms may vary from one dog to another.

There are also various ingredients which cause allergies in dogs and they include eggs, milk, soy, wheat, pork, preservatives, beef, chicken and many more. 

In order to determine if your dog has food allergies, you must consult your veterinarian. As mentioned earlier, there are various other allergies. The allergy could be seasonal and it can also be chemical. Have your pet checked by a professional. A skin biopsy might also be performed.

If it is proven that food is what is causing allergies on your dog, you should start with an elimination diet. What this means is that you should stop giving your dog the usual food it is eating and replace them with food which your dog has not eaten before. The new diet of your dog will consist of two parts starch and one part protein. Some choices of protein are salmon, venison, rabbit and duck. For starch, you can use potatoes, rice and pasta. Your dog’s new diet will be very demanding because you will have to make it on your own. You will not be using commercial dog foods for your dog’s diet. 

Aside from the elimination diet, your veterinarian might also recommend hypoallergenic healthy dog food which you can try. Feeding your food hypoallergenic food is usually done before the elimination diet. If your dog is on a restricted diet, its symptoms should improve. You can then re-add other foods one at a time. Add or re-add new food one at a time so that if you dog starts showing symptoms again, you will know what to eliminate.

When you know what food is triggering the allergies on your dog, you can then completely eliminate it from your diet and replace it with something which does not contain allergens. Once you eliminate what is triggering your dog’s allergies it will be easier to control.