Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dog Constipation Remedies

Dog constipation can be caused by a myriad of things. It can be due to diet, illness, psychological factors or the ingestion of foreign objects. Most dog constipation cases are not serious and can be easily treated at home. Owners must learn to recognize the symptoms of dog constipation so they can give their pets the correct treatment and get them back on track to good health.

Your dog may be healthy and you may regularly bring your canine to the vet but this does not mean that it will not get constipated. Constipation can happen to the healthiest of dogs. Even if your dog looks health, if it has problems with its bowel movement, there is a big chance that it is suffering from mild constipation. A constipated dog will try to move his vowels, over and over with no success. He may also have bloating and abdominal pain and the stool passed is likely to be dry and small. The dog may seem depressed, lethargic and may even have personality changes.



One of the most common causes of constipation is diet. Your dogs must have adequate liquid and fiber because without these two things they can easily become constipated. Water should be fresh and clean at all times and owners must always opt for fresh, quality dog food. You do not have to purchase the most expensive brand but you also should not purchase the cheapest in the market! Remember, you get what you pay for.

Mineral Oil

Some dogs may still continue to exhibit constipation symptoms even after changing diets. For these pups, mineral oil might be the answer. Use one teaspoon of mineral oil per ten pounds of the dog’s body weight. It is best to mix the mineral oil with the food.

Caution: Do not administer mineral oil directly into the dog’s mouth! Dogs might develop aspiration pneumonia from inhaling the oil.

If your dog is exhibiting any of the symptoms below, go to your very right away.

·         Extreme abdominal pain
·         Fever
·         Diarrhea
·         Weakness
·         Vomiting

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