There is a huge diversity of dog shampoos available today. If you go to the local department store, you will see a lot different names and brands with various ingredients, as well. So, how does a pet owner like you choose the correct shampoo for dog allergies? The best shampoo for dog allergies is one which does not contain any chemical or perfumes. Things like these can only worsen your dog’s condition. The best shampoos are the organic shampoos which can be found easily at your veterinarian’s office and health food stores.
Regardless how great the temptation may be, never use human shampoos for your dogs. This will not do your dog any good. Human shampoos are for humans and dog shampoos are for dogs. Choosing the correct shampoo can greatly help a dog with flea allergies. Having the correct shampoo means you and your dog are a step closer to solving the problem of flea allergies in dogs.
As mentioned earlier, there are natural ingredients which are very good for dogs with allergies. These are the ingredients you should look for in a dog shampoo bottle:
· Tea Tree Oil
· Aloe Vera
· Eucalyptus
· Lemon Extracts
· Oatmeal
· Orange Extracts
· Wheat Germ Oil
Medicated shampoos will benefit dogs which have severe skin allergies. For dogs with severe allergies, most experts recommend using shampoos with oatmeal. Most of these shampoos have to be left on the dog’s skin for at least 10 minutes to get good results. If you just want a shampoo which will make your dog’s coat smooth and glossy, you need to look for shampoos which have Vitamin B and E. for anti-inflammatory purposes; shampoos contain Omega-6 fatty acids and Pramoxine HCI.
Commercial Shampoos for Dog Allergies
Aside from dog allergies treatment home remedies, there are also commercially available shampoos which are widely sold in per stores. Some of the most popular shampoos which contain oatmeal are:
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